Commitment to Learning

Texas Heart Institute (THI), founded by world-renowned cardiovascular surgeon Dr. Denton A. Cooley in 1962, is a nonprofit organization dedicated to delivering the future of cardiovascular health through exceptional patient care, discovery, and a commitment to learning.
Our vision is to forge a better future for those with cardiovascular disease through an unwavering commitment to global leadership in patient care, pioneering innovation, and unparalleled training.
Our commitment to education is one that sets us apart from other institutions. With initiatives that range from postdoctoral and continuing medical education to public outreach and scientific publications, THI is dedicated to spreading awareness and sharing updates on ways to prevent, treat and defeat cardiovascular disease. With over 12 million visitors coming to our websites from around the world every year, is just one of the ways THI is helping to educate people on the importance of heart health.
Visitors to the Institute will find the Wallace D. Wilson Museum with educational displays, historic items covering scientific breakthroughs in treating heart disease, and the Celebration of Hearts art collection.
Our History — Interactive Timeline
Explore our new Digital Annual Report or read the report in a Flipbook or Mobile/Tablet view.