Abstracts & Manuscripts
We can assist authors in all aspects of publication, including project management, editing, interaction with journals and publishers, galley proofreading, and instruction on preparing a scientific manuscript.
We work with you—the author—and the journal or book publisher to expedite the publication process to promote the accuracy and clarity of information in manuscripts that originate from the Institute.
Our writer and editors team developed the following resources to support researchers with abstract and manuscript preparation.
Abstract Preparation
Manuscript Preparation
- Getting Organized to Write
- Organizing the Biomedical Paper
- Checklist for Writing a Biomedical Paper
- How to Write a Case Report
- Ethics and Research Compliance in Scientific Writing
- Guidelines for Image Processing
- Common Mistakes in Writing
- A Few Punctuation Rules
- Writing Good Sentences
- Writing Good Paragraphs
- Avoiding Predatory Publishers
Manuscript Formatting and Submission
EndNote Tips
Board Certified Editors
Our editorial services team includes editors and writers certified by the Board of Editors in the Life Sciences (BELS), and the American Medical Writers Association (AMWA), and most have advanced degrees in science.