Dr. Coulter to Participate in Chancellor’s Council Annual Meeting & Symposium

Each year The University of Texas System hosts an Annual Meeting and Symposium for the Chancellor’s Council. The Chancellor’s Council is comprised of dedicated philanthropists who support the 14 institutions of The University of Texas System, and the annual meeting is intended to provides this important group with a greater understanding of the high impact work that occurs throughout UT’s institutions.
This year, Dr. Stephanie Coulter will participate in one of the Discovery Sessions at the meeting on Friday, April 27. The “Matters of the Heart” session will provide participants with an overview of new tests, therapies and research that’s currently underway to help better detect and treat heart disease. As the number on killer in both Texas and the U.S., heart disease impacts men, women and children, but warning signs vary and often go unrecognized until it is too late. Dr. Coulter will speak to her expertise as a cardiologist and researcher at Texas Heart Institute who’s dedicated herself to better understanding the implications of heart disease in women in particular.
Dr. Coulter is an active member of Texas Heart Institute’s leadership, serving as the founding director of the Women’s Center for Heart & Vascular Health, the director of THI’s Cardiology Education and the program director of the THI Cardiovascular Disease Fellowship. She also serves as the associate director of Non-Invasive Cardiology at Baylor St. Luke’s Medical Center. Dr. Coulter began her career as a student at the University of Texas Medical School at Houston. She is now working with Texas Medical Center colleagues, including at the UT School of Public Health and UTHealth at Houston, as part of an unparalleled research and training program focused on women’s vascular health and diseases. A long-time advocate of women’s health, Dr. Coulter promotes the development of diagnostic tools, treatments and prevention strategies that can improve cardiovascular care for women and is investigating the roles biology, psychology and lifestyle play in putting a woman at risk for heart disease.
To learn more about the 51st Chancellor’s Council Annual Meeting and Symposium, click here.