Dr. Joseph Rogers Contributes to Criteria for Palliative Care in Advanced Heart Failure

TCTMD interviewed Texas Heart Institute’s Dr. Joseph G. Rogers about a recent paper in the Journal of the American College of Cardiology (JACC) for which his expert opinion was consulted. The study authors at the University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center and six other international palliative care departments surveyed over 40 heart failure experts, including Dr. Rogers. The study developed a consensus on when palliative care experts should be called in to help patients with heart failure.
The 25 major criteria agreed upon by the experts include psychosocial triggers as well as disease-based triggers for calling in the palliative care specialist for a particular patient. In his statements to TCTMD Dr. Rogers emphasized that palliative care specialists are an essential part of the care team for patients with heart failure.
Read Dr. Roger’s comments at TCTMD
Triggers for Palliative Care in Advanced HF: Many Opportunities
Read the peer-reviewed article on the Delphi study at JACC
Criteria for Referral of Patients With Advanced Heart Failure for Specialized Palliative Care