The Cardiac Society

Celebrating 35 Years of History

The Cardiac Society was founded in 1989 to provide an avenue for the exchange of ideas relating to the clinical and research activities among the present and former THI cardiology fellows, trainees, and teaching staff of The Texas Heart Institute. The Cardiac Society also offers social activities for its members.

Membership is by invitation from the society’s Board of Directors. Membership consists of present and former cardiology fellows, faculty, and teaching staff of the Texas Heart Institute. Annual membership dues are $100.00, payable each August.



Joanna Molina-Razavi, MD, President
Robert Bagwell, MD, Vice President
Joggy George, MD, Secretary/Treasurer
Jorge Escobar, MD, Member at Large
Michael Harms, MD, Member at Large
Numan Khan, MD, Member at Large
Alexander Postalian, Member at Large
Patrick Hogan, MD, President Emeritus
Mehran Massumi, MD, Immediate Past President