Editor’s Choice Award


As it celebrates 50 years of supporting medical education, The Texas Heart Institute Journal is soliciting articles to be considered for the James T. Willerson, MD, Editor’s Choice Award. The Journal is a peer-reviewed digital publication that serves as a global platform for physicians, scientists, and healthcare professionals to share their advancements in the field of cardiovascular medicine. The publication award was created to honor the former Editor-in-Chief and Institute President Emeritus after his passing in 2020.

Dr. Willerson was committed to providing physicians and healthcare professionals with information related to all aspects of treating patients who have cardiovascular disease. His standards for excellence in research and scientific publishing were unsurpassed, and The Journal’s readership and reach have continued to expand on the strength of the foundation he and his predecessors built. The awards are made possible by The Texas Heart Institute Board of Trustees and a gift from Morton Cohn.

The Journal is once again inviting authors to submit their articles for award consideration:

  • Two (2) $5,000 awards will be made annually, based on the article publication date.
  • Open to all authors publishing in The Texas Heart Institute Journal
  • One awardee will be an early-career author.*
  • Clinical Investigation, Laboratory Investigation, and Systematic Review article types are eligible.

This award honors the legacy of Dr. Willerson and his unwavering dedication to advancing the field of cardiovascular medicine and his professional pursuits to accurately diagnose, treat, and prevent cardiovascular disease.



Eligibility Criteria

  • The article must be published in The Texas Heart Institute Journal during the award year (i.e. an article published in THIJ in 2024 which meets all criteria is eligible for the 2024 award).
  • The candidate must be the primary author of the paper and must meet the eligibility criteria for authorship (read Who Is an Author?).
  • The article type must be Clinical Investigation, Laboratory Investigation, or Systematic Review.
  • The paper must be written in biomedical manuscript format and adhere to the guidelines detailed in Information for Authors. Articles will also be judged on organization, logic, and writing style.

*An early-career author is defined as a

  • Student (for example, enrolled in medical school)
  • Resident-in-training
  • Current fellow or an individual who completed a fellowship in the prior 2 years.



Past Recipients


Milos Matkovic, MD, PhD

Clinical Impact of Patient-Prosthesis Mismatch After Aortic Valve Replacement With a Mechanical or Biological Prosthesis
Milos Matkovic, MD, PhD; Nemanja Aleksic, MD, PhD; Ilija Bilbija, MD, PhD; Ana Antic, MD; Jelena Milin Lazovic, MD, PhD; Marko Cubrilo, MD; Aleksandar Milojevic, MD; Igor Zivkovic, MD; Svetozar Putnik, MD, PhD
Tex Heart Inst J (2023) 50 (5): e228048.

Matthew Segar, MD, MS
Early Career Investigator

Incidence, Risk Score Performance, and In-Hospital Outcomes of Postoperative Atrial Fibrillation After Cardiac Surgery
Matthew W. Segar, MD, MS; Alexander Marzec, MD; Mehdi Razavi, MD; Karen Mullins, MSHS; Joanna E. Molina-Razavi, MD; Subhasis Chatterjee, MD; Alexis E. Shafii, MD; Jennifer R. Cozart, MD; Marc R. Moon, MD; Abdi Rasekh, MD; Mohammad Saeed, MD
Tex Heart Inst J (2023) 50 (5): e238221.


Harveen K. Lamba, MD

Continuous-Flow Left Ventricular Assist Device Support in Patients with Ischemic Versus Nonischemic Cardiomyopathy
Brendan P. Chou, BS; Andre Critsinelis, MD; Harveen K. Lamba, MD; Gregory Long, BS; Andrew B. Civitello, MD; Reynolds M. Delgado, MD; Subhasis Chatterjee, MD
Tex Heart Inst J (2021) 48 (4): e207241.

Amol S. Pednekar, PhD

Ultrafast Computation of Left Ventricular Ejection Fraction by Using Temporal Intensity Variation in Cine Cardiac Magnetic Resonance
Amol S. Pednekar, PhD; Benjamin Y.C. Cheong, MD; Raja Muthupillai, PhD
Tex Heart Inst J (2021) 48 (4): e207238.

Alexander Postalian, MD

“Simple” Transcatheter Aortic Valve Replacement With Conscious Sedation: Safety and Effectiveness in Real-World Practice
Alexander Postalian, MD; Neil E. Strickman, MD; Briana T. Costello, MD; Kathryn G. Dougherty, CRTT; Zvonimir Krajcer, MD
Tex Heart Inst J (2021) 48 (4): e207528.



Who is eligible to apply?

  • Each year, two authors will be eligible to win $5,000 each for excellence in conducting and reporting Original Research. One awardee will be an early-career author.
  • The authors’ articles must be published in The Texas Heart Institute Journal.
  • Only Clinical Investigations, Laboratory Investigations, and Systematic Reviews will be considered.

How can I enter my article for consideration?

  1. Upload your submission to Editorial Manager. During submission, you (or the corresponding author) will be asked if this submission is to be considered for an Editor’s Choice Award. Click “Yes.”
  2. Complete and submit the Application Form.

What if my article has already been published in 2024?

Complete the Application Form before December 1, 2024.

What happens if my accepted paper is not published in 2024?

It will be considered with articles published in 2025.

Do I have to be the primary author to be eligible for the award? How is this determined?

Only the primary author will be eligible for the award.

First, the primary author (and coauthors) should meet all 4 criteria from the International Committee of Medical Journal Editors (ICMJE):

  • Substantial contributions to the conception or design of the work; or the acquisition, analysis, or interpretation of data for the work; AND
  • Drafting the work or revising it critically for important intellectual content; AND
  • Final approval of the version to be published; AND
  • Agreement to be accountable for all aspects of the work in ensuring that questions related to the accuracy or integrity of any part of the work are appropriately investigated and resolved.

Second, the primary author plays a vital role in designing the study, collecting and assessing data, writing the study results, formulating tables and figures to support the text, explaining how the study compares/contrasts with previous work, as well as how the study may influence current and future clinical practice (see manuscript requirements in Information for Authors). The Application Form includes a field for the primary author to highlight contributions to the work.

Who can be considered an early-career author?

Dr. Willerson was dedicated to mentoring the next generation of physicians and researchers, so one award will be given to a person who is a

  • Student (for example, enrolled in medical school), or
  • Resident-in-training, or
  • Current fellow or an individual who completed a fellowship in the prior 2 years.