News & Updates
January 2025
The Texas Heart Institute Journal URL has changed to Please update your bookmarks.
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The Point Podcast
Have you listened to The Point yet? It’s the new podcast from The THI Journal, designed to cover newly published research and advancements in clinical cardiovascular medicine. The first episode, which debuted in Fall 2024, features Salim Virani, MD, and Matthew Segar, MD. This valuable discussion was based on their article, “Cardiovascular Disease Management With Sodium-Glucose Cotransporter-2 Inhibitors in Patients With Type 2 Diabetes: A Cardiology Primer.”
Updated Process for the Editor’s Choice Awards
The THI Journal has simplified the process for the James T. Willerson, MD, Editor’s Choice Award. The good news is that authors no longer need to apply for the award when they submit their Original Research articles (Clinical Investigations, Laboratory Investigations, and Systematic Reviews). Instead, all eligible papers will be judged for excellence in research and writing, and the first author of the two best papers—one of whom will be an early-career investigator—will each receive a $5,000 award. This update also applies to the articles published in The Journal in 2024. The winners will be announced in early 2025.
The James T. Willerson, MD, Editor’s Choice Awards honor his legacy and unwavering dedication to advancing the field of cardiovascular medicine and his professional pursuits to accurately diagnose, treat, and prevent cardiovascular disease.
Read about the 2023 Winners.
Reduced APC for Images Articles
Images in Cardiovascular Medicine are short-form educational articles, and we are pleased to announce that charges for publishing them will be substantially reduced, starting in January 2025. The submission fee ($35) for Images submissions will be eliminated, and the APC will be reduced to $250.00.
Have You Published Anything Lately?
The THI Journal is interested in publishing your ground-breaking clinical work and educational insights. Review the wide variety of Article Types, that can be considered for publication, and upload your submission through Editorial Manager.

The Texas Heart Institute produces The Point to discuss newly published clinical research and emerging developments and innovations in patient care. Designed to infuse your day with the latest medical knowledge and a dash of banter, faculty, and fellows dive into newly published research and its significance to patient care today and in the future.
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