Can left bundle branch block be reversed?
The prevalence of left bundle branch block (LBBB) increases with advancing age in the general population. LBBB is associated with...
The prevalence of left bundle branch block (LBBB) increases with advancing age in the general population. LBBB is associated with...
Unfortunately there is not enough data provided to offer a definitive answer. We would need to know about all the...
Unfortunately, the literature shows that gingival hyperplasia is associated with all calcium channel blockers. This is a well know side...
There is no contraindication to taking Lexapro with IRBBB. There is no contraindication to taking Lexapro in the presence of...
High sensitivity or cardiac CRP (hsCRP) is a marker of inflammation. Before considering that this substance is coming from the...
It is a finding on the electrocardiogram signifying a delay in electrical conduction over the right bundle. It can be...
It is safe. Incomplete right bundle branch is fairly common and Cipro does not alter or worsen this minor conduction...
Thanks for the question. RBBB is an electrical abnormality. It can be seen in normal cardiac condition. Please see your...
If your father and grandmother had only bundle branch block but no other heart disease, then the chances of these...
The short answer is yes. Always consult with your doctor for clearance for surgery.
The long-term significance of isolated left bundle block is unknown. In some patients this is completely benign. In others, it...
Hi Amber, Having a family history of heart disease places you at higher risk of heart disease. Furthermore, cardiovascular disease...
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