
Does your hospital do many aortic repairs?

I have a leaking aortic valve bicuspid and also an enlarged aorta. I am 59 male with no other problems. I was diagnosed about 8 years ago and my doctor has watched it close over the years. Now he thinks it’s time to think about replacement. I have read about repair instead and my doctor is very much against it, saying it fails way too often. I would like to find out more about repair and Cleveland is really too far for me. I am in Arkansas. Does your hospital do many aortic repairs? Thank you.

Submitted by Jack from Arkansas on 12/16/2013

by James J. Livesay, MD

Aortic valve repairs are feasible in some patients with bicuspid aortic valves that are leaking, but it depends on the quality of the valve leaflets. Aortic dilatation and aneurysms are common in patients with bicuspid aortic valve. Both conditions can be addressed at the same operation. If the valve is suitable for repair, it can be reimplanted into the aortic graft replacement of the aneurysm (known as the David Procedure). If the valve is calcified or stenotic (narrowed), valve replacement is usually required with or without aortic replacement with a Dacron graft. If you desire further information, you may contact our office and send your studies (medical records from your cardiologist, echocardiogram and CT Scan).