
Is it dangerous to carry a child to full-term with a LBBB but no other heart problems?

I am a 38-year-old female who was recently diagnosed with a LBBB. I had an echo done and I was told my heart was fine. Is it dangerous to carry a child to full-term with a LBBB but no other problems?

Submitted by Heather from Austin on 04/20/2015

by Mehdi Razavi, MD

The long-term significance of isolated left bundle block is unknown. In some patients this is completely benign. In others, it may herald the onset of structural heart problems. The long-term risks associated with left bundle block are greater than isolated right bundle block. As you know, a small fraction of individuals may have an entity called peripartum cardiomyopathy. About a third of these patients will have further deterioration. One of the risks for such a cardiomyopathy is advanced maternal age. Another is multiparity. Whether or not isolated left bundle should be considered is largely unknown. You should discuss this with your obstetrician and cardiologist prior to making an informed decision. It may not be unreasonable to wait a few months and recheck the echo prior to making a decision. Good luck.