Houston’s First Teen Science Café Network Welcomes THI Doctors & Engineers
Dr. Mehdi Razavi and his research engineers, Mathews John and Dr. Allison Post, were invited to lead Houston’s first Inside, the Café at the Houston Museum of Natural Science at Sugar Land last weekend.
The THI Electrophysiology Clinical Research & Innovations team, led by Dr. Razavi, shared their own educational tracks that led them to work in the Texas Heart Institute and illuminated the many new technologies engineered by the team in their presentation, “Innovations in Cardiac Care: the Intersection of Clinicians and Engineers.”
Inside, the Café is part of the popular Teen Science Café Network and provides students the opportunity to interact with experts innovating within the intersections of science, technology, engineering, and math (STEM). Invited speakers share their own career journey and highlight groundbreaking medical, scientific, and technological advancements in the headlines today.
“Inside, the Café moves learning beyond the usual school curriculum to help aspiring students gain a clearer picture of the exciting professional world,” said chapter co-founder Hannah Li.
Science cafes are traditionally known for their informal and friendly atmosphere and help demystify scientific and medical research for the general public. Expert presenters are encouraged to have interactive presentations and demonstrations and to coordinate hands-on activities to engage the students.
“We know first hand that these relaxed community educational events inspire careers in science, medicine, and engineering and help students more accurately assess the many STEM career options out there today,” said Dr. Razavi.
The audience was mostly composed of students immersed in STEM, many of whom had participated in science clubs, research, and different competitions/olympiads throughout their school years.
“Although we try to avoid using too much heavy jargon at these events, we still encourage our invited experts to prepare a more technical discussion that can enlighten the students and spark a deeper interest in STEM careers and the topics presented,” added Amy Zhou, Inside, the Café chapter co-founder.
Texas Heart Institute applauds Inside, the Café and many science cafes conducted around the world today that are promoting engagement and conversation in the community about science, technology, engineering, and math.