Inside the Studio with Dr. Joseph G. Rogers Explores the Toxic Food Supply, Heart Failure and Prevention

To share knowledge and thought leadership beyond the walls of The Institute, Inside the Studio features interviews with special guests visiting The Texas Heart Institute’s TV studio. From international leaders in the field of cardiovascular medicine, to pioneering scientists, to community leaders near and far, Inside the Studio interviews amplify current trends in research, education, and collaborations aimed to improve health. In the most recent episodes, The Texas Heart Institute CEO and President, Dr. Joseph G. Rogers, interviews three passionate Grand Rounds speakers from Dallas, Singapore and California.
Dr. Ambarish Pandey, Assistant Professor in the Department of Internal Medicine at UT Southwestern Medical Center, specializes in preventive cardiology and heart failure with preserved ejection fraction and shares his current perspectives on current practices in the treatment of difficult-to-treat heart failure with preserved ejection fraction.
Dr. Carolyn Lam, Professor, Duke-National University of Singapore, Senior Consultant, Department of Cardiology and Director of Women’s Heart Health at the National Heart Centre in Singapore, discusses the state of “Heart Failure with Preserved Ejection Fraction (HFpEF): Past, Present, Future.”
Dr. Robert Lustig, Emeritus Professor of Pediatrics in the Division of Endocrinology and Member of the Institute for Health Policy Studies at UCSF University of California, San Francisco, shares his compelling perspective on the primary drivers of disease in the world today after his presentation, “Cariology and Cardiology: Chronic Disease and the Toxic Food Supply.”
Watch their recorded Grand Rounds Presentations