Chaired by Reverend Kevin Hodge and Dr. LaShawn Hodge, the 2025 Go Red will feature presentations from Drs. Heather Pemberton...
Pages tagged: heart month
February is American Heart Month – a time for the nation to cooperatively focus on heart health and lifestyle choices...
Wearing RED during American Heart Month is not just for people—it’s for offices, homes, buildings, bridges, parks, and landmarks, too....
Every February the whole country focuses on the heart for American Heart Month. It’s a great time to connect with...
Every February the whole country focuses on the heart for American Heart Month. Texas Heart Institute is taking part again...
The Elnita McClain Women’s Center virtual Go Red: Going Beyond the Red Dress event had over 200 attendees, proving that...
Go Red for Women is a national movement to end heart disease in women by changing the perception women have about heart disease and stroke, which accounts for 1 in 3 deaths in the U.S. The mission of the Elnita McClain Women’s Center, Inc. is to inspire women to make changes in their personal lives in order to promote healthy lifestyles, families and communities.
Which diet should you consider trying? Which should you avoid?
Maybe you are one of the many Americans who are trying to lose weight and get healthy in 2021. With...
February is American Heart Month, and each year there are a number of events and activities that Texas Heart Institute...
Texas Heart Institute kicked off the first weekend of American Heart Month with several events reaching nearly 1000 community members....
February is American Heart Month, and each year there are a number of events and activities that Texas Heart Institute...
Founders of Pilates has Heart, Hilary Opheim and Carla Valencia, created Pilates has Heart in 2016 to honor their client and friend, Terri Dome, who bravely fought heart disease and cancer during her life. Join Hilary Opheim, and all of the WAPilates Teachers for an all levels Traditional Pilates Mat Class Feb 17, 2019.