Texas Heart Institute Journal: Volume 46, Issue 1
We are excited to share the newest issue of the Texas Heart Institute Journal, now available online.
The Texas Heart Institute Journal is a peer-reviewed journal published bimonthly by the Texas Heart Institute as part of its medical education program. The purpose of the Journal is to educate, with emphasis on the dissemination of information to physicians in practice. For more information, visit the THI Journal pages on our website.
Our medical and scientific experts bring a wealth of knowledge and experience that make the THI Journal possible. Members of this group deserve our continuing gratitude and recognition.
Volume 46, Issue 1 of the Journal features the following articles:
In Memoriam: David J. Sugarbaker, MD (1953–2018)
Joseph S. Coselli
Waiting for Test Results
Herbert L. Fred
Peabody’s Corner
Chicken-Fried Steak Changed My Outlook on Medicine
Michael J. Lehner
Clinical Investigation
Influence of Body Mass Index on Outcomes of Patients Undergoing Surgery for Acute Aortic Dissection: A Propensity-Matched Analysis
Antonio Lio, Emanuele Bovio, Francesca Nicolò, Guglielmo Saitto, Antonio Scafuri, Carlo Bassano, Luigi Chiariello and Giovanni Ruvolo
Clinical Evaluation of Exercise Capacity in Adults with Systemic Right Ventricle
Beata Rog, Kinga Salapa, Magdalena Okolska, Natalia Dluzniewska, Piotr Werynski, Piotr Podolec and Lidia Tomkiewicz-Pajak
Three Episodes of Takotsubo Cardiomyopathy with Variant Ballooning Patterns in 2 Elderly Women
Ravikiran Korabathina, Jamie Porcadas, Michael Mishkin, Angela Turner and Arthur J. Labovitz
Case Reports
Role of Multimodal Cardiac Imaging in Diagnosing a Primary Intimal Sarcoma of the Left Atrial Appendage
Kara L. Raphael, Anthony P. Martinez, Stephen D. Clements and Ijeoma Isiadinso
Coxsackie Virus Infection Causing Multiorgan Failure and Cardiogenic Shock in a 42-Year-Old Man
Kali A. Hopkins, Mahmoud H. Abdou and M. Azam Hadi
Surgical Repair of a 13-cm Infrarenal Abdominal Aortic Aneurysm with Aortocaval Fistula in a 63-Year-Old Tuba Player
Macit Bitargil, Nilufer Bektas, Sinan Omeroglu and Ismail Koramaz
Preventing a Catastrophe: Increasing Awareness of Loeys-Dietz Syndrome
Bradley S. Kane and Kamran Shamsa
Spontaneous Resolution of Residual Shunting in 2 Compromised Patients after Amplatzer Occlusion of Postinfarction Ventricular Septal Defects
Takashi Yanagiuchi, Norio Tada, Taro Suchi, Yukiko Mizutani, Takashi Matsumoto, Mie Sakurai and Tatsushi Ootomo
Catastrophic Antiphospholipid Syndrome Presenting as Congestive Heart Failure in a Patient with Thrombotic Microangiopathy
Iulia M. Tulai, Oana M. Penciu, Raymond Raut and Alla Rudinskaya
Focus on ECGs: Case #17
Tachycardia in the Presence of Ventricular Pacing
Toug Tanavin, Mark Pollet and Yochai Birnbaum
Images in Cardiovascular Medicine
Hepatocellular Carcinoma Involving the Left Ventricle
Gilad D. Birnbaum, Nadeen N. Faza and Yochai Birnbaum
Penetrating Atherosclerotic Ulcer of the Ascending Aorta Found Incidentally in a 71-Year-Old Man
Antonino M. Grande, Dario Di Perna, Adele Valentini and Eloisa Arbustin
The 3rd Annual O.H. “Bud” Frazier Transplant Roundup
Cardiac Replacement in Our Lifetime
Jack G. Copeland
Improving Access to Liver Transplantation through the ECHO Telehealth Model
Rohini R. Sigireddi and Andres F. Carrion
Hand Transplantation: The Benefits, Risks, Outcomes, and Future
Edward Reece and Ruth Ackah
Unique Empathy Gained: Liver Transplant Specialist as a Liver Transplant Patient
Terry D. Box and Katherine Anne Utech
Extracorporeal Liver Support in Patients with Acute Liver Failure
Joshua A. Villarreal and Norman L. Sussman
Progress in Immunosuppressive Agents for Solid-Organ Transplantation
Wynne Qing Zhang and John M. Vierling
The Benefits of a Local Kidney Exchange
Mohamed Saleh Ismail, Matthew Cusick and Nhu Thao Nguyen Galvan
The Future of Tissue Engineering in Heart Transplantation
Doris A. Taylor
Outcomes in Solid-Organ Transplantation: Success and Stagnation
Abbas Rana and Elizabeth Louise Godfrey
The State of Artificial Heart Therapy
Ahmed Alnajar and O.H. Frazier
Portable Normothermic Ex Vivo Lung Perfusion to Reduce Warm Ischemia Time and Increase Graft Usage
Gabriel Loor and Aishwarya Kothare
Solid-Organ Transplantation Services in the Veterans Health Administration
Ronald T. Cotton
About the Texas Heart Institute Journal
The Texas Heart Institute Journal is published bimonthly by Texas Heart Institute, Houston, Texas (ISSN 1526-6702). The Journal was printed under the name of Cardiovascular Diseases from 1974 through 1981 (ISSN 0093-3546). The name was changed to Texas Heart Institute Journal in 1982, and the Journal was printed through 2013 (ISSN 0730-2347). It is indexed by Index Medicus/MEDLINE and by other indexing and abstracting services worldwide.
The statements and opinions expressed in the Texas Heart Institute Journal are those of their authors and are not necessarily those of the Texas Heart Institute Journal, the Texas Heart Institute, the Texas Heart Institute Foundation, or affiliated institutions.