Texas Heart Institute Journal: Volume 47, Issue 4

We are excited to share a new issue of the Texas Heart Institute Journal, now available online.
The Texas Heart Institute Journal is a peer-reviewed journal published bimonthly by the Texas Heart Institute as part of its medical education program. The purpose of the Journal is to educate, with emphasis on the dissemination of information to physicians in practice. For more information, visit the THI Journal pages on our website.
Our medical and scientific experts bring a wealth of knowledge and experience that make the THI Journal possible. Members of this group deserve our continuing gratitude and recognition.
Volume 47, Issue 4 of the Journal features the following articles:
In Memoriam: James T. Willerson, MD (1939–2020)
Emerson C. Perin, MD, PhD
Importance of Persistent Right-to-Left Shunt After Patent Foramen Ovale Closure in Cryptogenic Stroke Patients
Lu He, PhD; Gesheng Cheng, MD; Yajuan Du, MD; Yushun Zhang, MD, PhD
Safety and Outcomes of Transcatheter Closure of Patent Ductus Arteriosus in Children With Pulmonary Artery Hypertension
Arash Salavitabar, MD; Usha S. Krishnan, MD; Mariel E. Turner, MD; Julie A. Vincent, MD; Alejandro J. Torres, MD; Matthew A. Crystal, MD
Predicting Quality of Clinical Performance From Cardiology Fellowship Applications
Michael W. Cullen, MD; Thomas J. Beckman, MD; Kristine M. Baldwin, BA; Gregory J. Engstler, BS; Jay Mandrekar, PhD; Christopher G. Scott, MS; Kyle W. Klarich, MD
Alcohol Ablation of Cardiac Tissues Quantified and Evaluated Using CIELAB Euclidean Distances
Ashley Rook, BS; Mathews M. John, MBE; Allison Post, PhD; Mehdi Razavi, MD
Transcatheter Mitral Valve Replacement for Treating Native Mitral Valve Disease: Current Status
Yan Chen, MD; Junjie Hu, MD; Shunqiang Wu, MD; San Zhang, MD; Kaiqin Wu, MD; Wenli Wang, MD; Yongxin Zhou, PhD
Mechanical Prosthetic Valve Sparing for Aortic Root Abscess Complicated by Infective Endocarditis
Ahmed Ahmed, MD; Ayman Ammar, MD; Yasser Elnahas, MD; Mohammed Abd Al Jawad, MD
Effect of Laparoscopic Sleeve Gastrectomy on Heart Transplant Status in 4 Patients with Left Ventricular Assist Devices
Christopher T. Ryan, MD; Adriana Santiago, MD; Nabil Tariq, MD; Harveen K. Lamba, MD, MSc
Open Repair of Acute Type A Intramural Hematoma in 3 Patients
William C. Frankel, BS; Scott A. Weldon, MA, CMI; Susan Y. Green, MPH; Hiruni S. Amarasekara, MS; Scott A. LeMaire, MD; Joseph S. Coselli, MD
Platypnea-Orthodeoxia Syndrome Caused by an Intracardiac Shunt
Sanket P. Borgaonkar, MD; Wilson W. Lam, MD; Mehdi Razavi, MD; Dhaval R. Parekh, MD
Interventricular Septal Rupture in a 62-Year-Old Man With Familial Amyloid Polyneuropathy
Stefano Pidello, MD; Erika Simonato, MD; Fulvio Orzan, MD; Simone Frea, MD; Antonella Barreca, MD; Mauro Rinaldi, MD; Massimo Boffini, MD
MitraClip to Treat Severe Ischemic Mitral Regurgitation During Impella CP Support in a 70-Year-Old Woman
Said Ashraf, MD; Tomo Ando, MD; Nimrod Blank, MD; Ahmad Munir, MD; Theodore Schreiber, MD
Late Bacterial Endocarditis in an Intravenous Drug User With an Amplatzer Septal Occluder
Michael S. La Sala, DO, MS; Hajir Zohourian, DO; Joseph McKeown, DO; Samuel Snyder, DO
En Bloc AngioVac Removal of Thoracic Aortic Mass
Jeanney Kang, MD; Fernando Fleischman, MD; Farhood Saremi, MD; David M. Shavelle, MD, FACC
Acute Hand Ischemia and Digital Amputation After Transradial Coronary Intervention in a Patient With CREST Syndrome
Thomas J. Earl, MD
Simple Felt-Plug Closure Technique for Minimally Invasive Removal of a Centrifugal-Flow Left Ventricular Assist Device
Alexander Schutz, MD; Aladdein Mattar, MD; Gabriel Loor, MD; William E. Cohn, MD; Alexis Shafii, MD
Ten-Year Survival With a Continuous-Flow Left Ventricular Assist Device and Aortic Valve Closure
George V. Letsou, MD; Fadi I. Musfee, MD, MPH; Andrew D. Lee, BS, MPH; Faisal Cheema, MD; Reynolds M. Delgado, MD; O.H. Frazier, MD
Anomalous Left Coronary Artery Arising From the Pulmonary Artery in a 21-Year-Old Man
Nathan Todd Froelich, BS; Anisa Chaudhry, MD
Atrial Pacing in Wide-Complex Rhythm
Yang Yang, MD; John Allison, MD; Mark Pollet, MD; Yochai Birnbaum, MD, FACC
Warfarin-Induced Skin Necrosis After Coronary Artery Bypass Grafting
Hakan Akbayrak, MD
Tension Pneumopericardium in the Intensive Care Unit
Nadia Isabel Abelhad, MD; Katia Bravo-Jaimes, MD; Francisco Fuentes, MD
Cardiac Eosinophilic Masses in Man With Eosinophilic Granulomatosis With Polyangiitis
Omid Amidi, MD; Vincent R.J. Siebert, MD; John Allison, MD; Ihab R. Hamzeh, MD
A History of Cardiac Surgery: An Adventurous Voyage from Antiquity to the Artificial Heart
James J. Livesay, MD
Echocardiography Aided by Computed Tomography to Diagnose Obstructive Masses in Patients with Prosthetic Heart Valves
Macit Kalcik, MD; Ahmet Guner, MD; Sabahattin Gunduz, MD; Mehmet Ozkan, MD
About the Texas Heart Institute Journal
The Texas Heart Institute Journal is published by Texas Heart Institute, Houston, Texas (ISSN 1526-6702). The Journal was printed under the name of Cardiovascular Diseases from 1974 through 1981 (ISSN 0093-3546). The name was changed to Texas Heart Institute Journal in 1982, and the Journal was printed through 2013 (ISSN 0730-2347). It is indexed by Index Medicus/MEDLINE and by other indexing and abstracting services worldwide.
The statements and opinions expressed in the Texas Heart Institute Journal are those of their authors and are not necessarily those of the Texas Heart Institute Journal, the Texas Heart Institute, the Texas Heart Institute Foundation, or affiliated institutions.