Texas Heart Institute Journal: Volume 48, Issue 1

We are excited to share a new issue of the Texas Heart Institute Journal, now available online.
The Texas Heart Institute Journal is a peer-reviewed journal published bimonthly by the Texas Heart Institute as part of its medical education program and also as a continuous publication (NEW in 2021!). The purpose of the Journal is to educate, with emphasis on the dissemination of information to physicians in practice. For more information, visit the THI Journal pages on our website.
Our medical and scientific experts bring a wealth of knowledge and experience that make the THI Journal possible. Members of this group deserve our continuing gratitude and recognition.
Volume 48 Issue 1 of the Journal features the following articles:
Anterolateral Papillary Muscle Rupture in a 78-Year-Old Man
Konstantinos C. Theodoropoulos, MD, MSC; Alexandros Papachristidis, MD; Bernadette Corica, MD; Dimitrios Papasaikas, MD; Mark J. Monaghan, PhD, FRCP
Single-Dose del Nido Cardioplegia Compared With Standard Cardioplegia During Coronary Artery Bypass Grafting at a Veterans Affairs Hospital
Michael R. Reidy, MD; Ernesto Jimenez, MD; Shuab Omer, MD; Lorraine D. Cornwell, MD; Sabrina X. Runbeck, MPH, PA-C; Ourania Preventza, MD; Gabriel Loor, MD; Todd K. Rosengart, MD; Joseph S. Coselli, MD
Off-Pump Continuous-Flow Left Ventricular Assist Device Implantation
Ismael A. Salas De Armas, MD; Jayeshkumar A. Patel, MD; Mehmet H. Akay, MD; Manish K. Patel, MD; Keshava Rajagopal, MD, PhD; Mehmet N. Karabulut, MD; Biswajit Kar, MD; Igor D. Gregoric, MD
Benign Metastasizing Leiomyoma in the Heart of a 45-Year-Old Woman
Mohamad Karnib, MD; Isaac Rhea, MD; Robin Elliott, MD; Saneka Chakravarty, MD; Sadeer G. Al-Kindi, MD
Papillary Fibroelastoma in Differential Diagnosis of Left Atrial Appendage Masses
Anthony Alozie, MD; Annette Zimpfer, MD; Andreas Erbersdobler, MD; Felix G. Meinel, MD; Pascal M. Dohmen, MD; Alper Öner, MD
Left Pulmonary Artery Patch Augmentation for Lung Transplant in a Patient With Situs Inversus
Ahmed Alnajar, MD; Peter C. Chen, MD; Bryan Burt, MD; Gabriel Loor, MD
Evaluating Quality in Adult Cardiac Surgery
Vikas Sharma, MD; Jason P. Glotzbach, MD; John Ryan, MD; Craig H. Selzman, MD
Pericardial Access Through the Right Atrium in a Porcine Model
Ishan Kamat, MD, MBA; William E. Cohn, MD
Routine Outpatient Electrocardiogram: What Is the Diagnosis?
Muzamil Khawaja, MD; Vincent R.J. Siebert, MD; John Allison, MD; Yochai Birnbaum, MD
Improper Use of Temporary Epicardial Pacing Wires
Emre Kubat, MD; Isil Tasoz, MD; Kubilay Karabacak, MD; Suat Doganci, MD
In Memoriam: James E. Bagg, Jr. (1942–2020)
Toban Dvoretzky, BA
A New Year for Fellowship, Engagement, and Growth
Zvonimir Krajcer, MD
About the Texas Heart Institute Journal
The Texas Heart Institute Journal is published by Texas Heart Institute, Houston, Texas (ISSN 1526-6702). The Journal was printed under the name of Cardiovascular Diseases from 1974 through 1981 (ISSN 0093-3546). The name was changed to Texas Heart Institute Journal in 1982, and the Journal was printed through 2013 (ISSN 0730-2347). It is indexed by Index Medicus/MEDLINE and by other indexing and abstracting services worldwide.
The statements and opinions expressed in the Texas Heart Institute Journal are those of their authors and are not necessarily those of the Texas Heart Institute Journal, the Texas Heart Institute, the Texas Heart Institute Foundation, or affiliated institutions.