The Texas Heart Institute Journal Accepted into Directory of Open Access Journals (DOAJ) Index

The Texas Heart Institute Journal has recently been accepted into the prestigious Directory of Open Access Journals (DOAJ) index, which provides authors who publish Open-Access Articles with improved visibility and discoverability of their high-quality original research articles.

“The acceptance of The Texas Heart Institute Journal (THIJ) into the DOAJ database marks a significant milestone in the field of open-access publishing, further solidifying our position as a trusted source for high-quality research articles worldwide,” said Zvonimir Krajcer, MD, Editor-in-Chief.

The DOAJ is a renowned index that boasts a wide array of open-access journals from across the globe. It features over 33,000 articles in over 80 languages from 134 countries. This unique database is driven by a dedicated community committed to ensuring that quality content is freely available for all online users.

With a mission to enhance the visibility, accessibility, reputation, and impact of peer-reviewed, open-access scholarly research journals worldwide, the DOAJ creates an equitable and diverse scholarly ecosystem where trusted research can be accessed without barriers.

Additionally, the DOAJ has a global network of Ambassadors who actively promote open access and best practices in their regions. Supported by over 100 voluntary editorial staff, the DOAJ Team diligently reviews applications for inclusion in the database while upholding transparency and integrity principles. Embracing diversity in scholarly communications, the DOAJ is proud to adopt the organization of the C4DISC Joint Statement of Principles. The DOAJ reaffirms its commitment to promoting diversity and inclusion within the scholarly publishing industry through this alignment.




The Texas Heart Institute Journal is a peer-reviewed journal published by The Texas Heart Institute as part of its medical education program. Its purpose is to educate, with emphasis on disseminating information to physicians in practice. Authorship is open to all clinicians and research scientists interested in preventing, diagnosing, or treating cardiovascular disease.