THI Announces 9th Annual Women’s Heart & Vascular Symposium Agenda for January 2019

Heart and vascular disease remain the leading contributor to morbidity and mortality among both women and men. While the decrease in mortality among women is well documented, the decline still lags behind that of men, with an alarming tendency towards an increase mortality rate among younger women.
The Center for Women’s Heart & Vascular Health sponsors this important, annual symposium to provide updates on the most current issues concerning cardiovascular disease in women. First held in 2010, this program is an accredited, day-long symposium for all healthcare providers caring for women today.
This year, the meeting will highlight results from one of the year’s most highly publicized studies, SPRINT MIND, presented at the Alzheimer’s Association International Conference (AAIC) 2018 in Chicago.
SPRINT MIND investigator, Dr. Jeff D. Williamson, Professor of Internal Medicine and Epidemiology and Chief, Section on Gerontology and Geriatric Medicine at Wake Forest School of Medicine. Williamson, will kick off the symposium with “Beyond the Heart: Impact of Blood Pressure on Cognitive Decline & Dementia”
Symposium faculty will illuminate new research presented this year at medical society and professional meetings related to New Prevention & Treatment Guidelines, New Surgical Techniques, and Cardiovascular Disease in Pregnancy. Panel discussions led by THI Women’s Center Director, Dr. Stephanie Coulter will provide opportunities to engage with the invited faculty.
- Cholesterol Guidelines: It is All About Risk—Personalized Risk Assessment, LDL & and New Risk-Enhancing Factors | Salim Virani, MD
- Hypertension Guidelines: The New Lowdown on Blood Pressure| Addison Taylor, MD, PhD
- Treatment of Acute STEMI in Women- The Investigation Continues | George Younis, MD
- Reducing Cardiovascular Risk in Women with Type II Diabetes— Finally Finding the Sweet Spot | David Aguilar, MD
- Case Presentations |David Burkland, MD & Alexander Postalian, MD
- Hypertension in Pregnancy | Briana Costello, MD
- Cardiomyopathies in Pregnant Women | Stephanie Coulter, MD
- To Clip or Not to Clip: New Research on the Mitral Valve Repair Stage | Pranav Loyalka, MD
- Hypertrophic Cardiomyopathy| James Livesay, MD, FACS
- Atrial Fibrillation & Cardiovascular Surgery | Jennifer Cozart, MD
- Words of Wisdom from my Ticker to Yours: The Future of Mechanical Circulatory Support | O.H. Frazier, MD
Early Bird Registration Ends January 2, 2019. Register Today Online
Watch Video Highlights from the 8th Annual Symposium held January 20, 2018