THI Celebrates Inspiring Women Embracing Challenges
The Texas Heart Institute hosted Emanu El Sisterhood’s 2021 Women’s Day on November 17, 2021. The entire community was invited to the special virtual Women’s Day event organized by the Sisterhood, “Inspiring Women Embracing Challenges.”
The Sisterhood welcomed two dynamic women from the diverse Houston community, Y Ping Sun and Dr. Joanna Molina-Razavi, who shared their inspiring personal stories from immigration adversities to subsequent triumphs, professionally and personally.
Y Ping Sun is widely recognized in Houston and around the globe for her generous spirit and a strong commitment to community engagement. Raised in China during the cultural revolution, she persevered in school while teachers, scholars, and intellectuals were denounced. Dr. Joanna Molina-Razavi is a cardiac electrophysiologist and native of Tijuana, Mexico, where she attended medical school at Universidad Autonoma De Baja California. The complimentary Women’s Day event was a unique opportunity to learn more about these two resilient women and the many contributions they are making in the community today.