THI Professional Staff Elects Surendra Jain, MD to the Institute’s Medical Executive Committee

At the annual meeting of The Texas Heart Institute Professional Staff on Tuesday, Dec. 5, 2023, elections were held by the Professional Staff to select a new member to the Medical Executive Committee. We are pleased to announce that Dr. Surendra Jain was elected as the new Member-at-Large to The Texas Heart Institute Medical Executive Committee.
The Texas Heart Institute Academic Professional Staff consists of cardiologists, cardiovascular surgeons, scientists, and specialists in related disciplines who are committed to the educational and research mission of the Institute. The THI Medical Executive Committee and The THI Board of Trustees approve members. The credentialing process remains open to all interested.
We want to thank Dr. Joggy George for his outstanding service as a member of the MEC over the past three years.
Congratulations, Dr. Jain!